The bond between mother and child
With the cutting of the umbilical cord, physical attachment to our mothers ends and emotional and psychological attachment begins. While the first attachment provides everything we need to thrive inside the womb, many psychologists believe the second attachment provides the psychological foundation and maybe even the social and physical buffer we need to thrive in the world.
Attachments infants and children from with other primary-care providers also affect a child's development, research shows.The nature and impact of such attachments have become a focus for researchers interested in the increase in daycare for very young children.
Social Development
Many researchers have found correlations between secure mother-infant attachment and later psychological and social development. Infants who securely attach to their mothers become more self-reliant toddlers and have a better sense of self-esteem, said Alan Sroufe, Phd, an attachment researcher at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota.
Kids who had secure attachment histories but suffer losses will become less secure; said Sroufe .
He also found that anxious,poorly attached infants can become more secure if their mothers enter stable love relationships or alleviate their symptoms of depression.
Buffering Stress
Secure infant attachment may provide children with a crucial tool for dealing with stress by buffering their physiological reaction to novel or unexpected events, said Megan Gunnar, PhD, Of the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota.
The secure children seemed to be saying, 'This is scary but I feel safe,"said Gunnar. 'They had the resources to cope.'
Secure attachments may act as a buffer against the stress of new, strange or scary events, Gunnar said. Without that buffer , children find it difficult to cope and their bodies activate a stress reaction.
Attachments are relationships that develop from interactions,'said Howes, 'We have to figure out who the caregivers are' and make sure they'er all competent.
While this is a relief to mothers who want have to work, it also emphasizes the need for high-quality child care, Howes pointed out.
Many attachment researchers find themselves playing the part of child advocates, they home or that require high-quality daycare for all children.
' Babies need a lot of love and a lot of work, and denying that would be wrong,' said Sroufe.
Raising family and social awareness:
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